APUSH College Board Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ - Quizzes Studymoose (2024)


1) Which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to support Addams' argument in the excerpt about politics in the late 1880s?Answer: B) The allegiance of immigrant voters led to the creation of urban political machines.


A) Federal civil service reform led to a reduction in the number of political patronage jobs.B) The allegiance of immigrant voters led to the creation of urban political machines.C) Many writers gained a large audience with criticisms of corruption in city politics.D) African Americans predominantly identified with politicians of the Republican Party.


2) Which of the following explains a similarity among reactions to the characteristics of immigration in the late 1800s described in the poem and reactions to earlier immigration to the United States?Answer: D) Nativists advocated that the government should reduce the power of immigrant voters in elections.


A) Social Darwinists argued that competition among immigrant workers would benefit the economy.B) Reformers sought to assist immigrants in maintaining the traditional cultures of their home countries.C) Religious leaders urged Americans to embrace the religious diversity created by Catholic immigrants.D) Nativists advocated that the government should reduce the power of immigrant voters in elections.


3) The situation of the excerpt could best be used by a historian to support which of the following explanations of changes in society during the Gilded Age?Answer: A) New scientific theories of race emerged to justify segregation.


A) New scientific theories of race emerged to justify segregation.B) Businesses and government generally limited workers' rights.C) Nativists were effective in enacting limitations on immigration.D) Westward mobility improved through the construction of rail networks.


4) Unlike Commissioner Parker, Chief Joseph supports the claim that American Indians:Answer: A) sought to preserve their culture.


A) sought to preserve their culture.B) wanted better compensation for their land.C) sought access to boarding schools for their children.D) wanted to permit railroad construction through reservations.


5) Which of the following is a similarity between Bodnar's and Ewen's arguments in the excerpts about immigrant families in the late 1800s?Answer: B) Both maintain that immigrant families provided members with economic support.


A) Both argue that the strength of immigrant families weakened in the United States.B) Both maintain that immigrant families provided members with economic support.C) Both claim that immigrant families were eager to assimilate to American culture.D) Both assert that immigrant families primarily valued the advancement of individuals.


6) The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments for many individuals who amassed great wealth during the period?Answer: A) They came to believe that they had moral obligation to help improve society to address the needs of the working and middle classes.


A) They came to believe that they had a moral obligation to help improve society to address the needs of the working and middle classes.B) Began to resist and disregard the many social conventions and "arbitrary laws" that defined their class.C) They sought to escape the undesirable conditions of city living by moving to the countryside.D) They attempted to expand middle- and working-class access to political systems by supporting Progressive reforms.


7) Gould's testimony best serves as evidence for which of the following situations during the late 1800s?Answer: B) Many businesses owners argued that pro-growth government policies best facilitated economic growth.


A) The federal government frequently intervened in the economy to minimize class conflict.B) Many businesses owners argued that pro-growth government policies best facilitated economic growth.C) Most industrialists in the late nineteenth century were self-made men.D) The United States government heavily regulated telecommunications and interstate commerce.


8) Which of the following can most accurately be concluded about the broader economic conditions of the period described in the excerpt?Answer: A) Businesses made use of new management structures to increase the production of goods.


A) Businesses made use of new management structures to increase the production of goods.B) Agricultural production continued to be the primary economic activity in the South.C) The economic gap between the social classes narrowed as standards of living improved.D) Large-scale industrial production was accompanied by anti-capitalist government policies.


9) Which of the following can be inferred about the popular business practices of the late 1800s referenced in Gould's testimony?Answer: C) Industry leaders increased profits and concentrated wealth through corporate consolidation into trusts and holding companies.


A) Railroads and communication systems spread primarily as a result of private investment, not government subsidies.B) Labor and management generally resolved their differences without conflict or intervention by the federal government.C) Industry leaders increased profits and concentrated wealth through corporate consolidation into trusts and holding companies.D) Producers increasingly looked beyond the United States borders to gain control over natural resources and international markets.


10) The opinion in the excerpt can best be used to support which of the following arguments about the Fourteenth Amendment?Answer: C) It was necessary to protect the civil rights of African Americans.


A) It was determined to be an overreach of the power of the judicial branch.B) It was not needed because of the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment.C) It was necessary to protect the civil rights of African Americans.D) It was passed in response to Populist unrest in the Midwest.


11) The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following historical situations in urban areas in the late 1800s?Answer: D) New public spaces were designed to enhance urban environments.


A) Working people demanded increased access to higher education.B) Many social elites also accessed public leisure spaces in cities.C) Traditional methods of urban planning and recreation remained dominant.D) New public spaces were designed to enhance urban environments.


12) The transportation development described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on agriculture in the United States?Answer: C) Rural immigrant populations outpaced those of cities as access to land became easier.


A) Railroad workers replaced farmers as the largest group of workers in the United States.B) Food prices rose as a result of increased demand for grain from coastal port cities.C) Farmers developed cooperative organizations to limit the power of rail companies.D) Rural immigrant populations outpaced those of cities as access to land became easier.


13) Addams' point of view expressed in the excerpt supports which of the following historical arguments?Answer: A) Activists believed that political machines hindered immigrant adoption of American political norms.


A) Activists believed that political machines hindered immigrant adoption of American political norms.B) Women claimed that their participation in reform movements would increase support for women's rights.C) The Democratic Party feared that foreign migrants weakened political support for Democrats in urban areas.D) Chicagoans worried that they faced more political corruption than other cities in the northern United States.


14) People who disagreed at the time with the ideas expressed in the poem were most likely to advocate for which of the following government policies?Answer: C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia.


A) Federal court decisions that made labor union strikes illegal.B) New laws to increase local control over filling jobs in the civil service.C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia.D) Federal support to protect the voting rights of African Americans.


15) Which of the following explains a connection between the ability of Americans to gain access to natural resources in the early 1800s and in the late 1800s?Answer: A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources.


A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources.B) In both periods, the United States imported more natural resources after claiming overseas colonies through the Monroe Doctrine.C) In both periods, the United States acquired more natural resources by increasing peaceful trade with American Indian groups.D) In both periods, the forced migration of enslaved people provided labor for extracting natural resources in United States mining towns.


16) Addams' point of view in the excerpt can be used to support which of the following arguments about social reformers during the Gilded Age?Answer: D) Social reformers explored connections between different social problems.


A) Social reformers were most active in the Midwest.B) Social reformers achieved many legislative reforms.C) Social reformers opposed continued immigration to the United States.D) Social reformers explored connections between different social problems.


17) Which of the following developments most likely explains the trade policies Burlingame advocates in the excerpt?Answer: C) Increasing support for laissez-faire economic policies.


A) Growing influence of populist political arguments.B) Continuing resistance to the formation of labor unions.C) Increasing support for laissez-faire economic policies.D) Developing practices of sharecropping and tenant farming.


18) Farmers generally responded to industrialization in the late nineteenth century in which of the following ways?Answer: C) They backed political movements calling for limits on corporate power and government ownership of transportation.


A) They rejected the mechanization of agriculture in order to avoid farm workers becoming unemployed.B) They demanded legislation to reduce immigration so as to minimize competition for farmland.C) They backed political movements calling for limits on corporate power and government ownership of transportation.D) They challenged federal policies that set aside western land to establish reservations for American Indians.


19) Bodnar's and Ewen's overall arguments in the excerpts together best support which of the following conclusions?Answer: C) The economic needs and social ambitions of young immigrants could be in conflict.


A) Most Americans embraced the arrival of new immigrants in the late 1800s.B) Warfare in Europe was a primary reason for immigration to the United States.C) The economic needs and social ambitions of young immigrants could be in conflict.D) The demand for inexpensive labor led industrialists to advocate increased immigration.


20) The ideas in the excerpt are most directly situated within the context of United States efforts to do which of the following in the period after the Civil War?Answer: D)


A) Establish a colonial presence overseas.B) End Reconstruction policies in the South.C) Encourage settlement west of the Mississippi River.D) Extend international influence through trade.


21) Which of the following developments best explains a cause of the historical process described in the excerpt?Answer: D) Government subsidies facilitated the construction of transportation and communication networks.


A) Nativists rejected the use of immigrant workers for transportation infrastructure construction.B) Plantation owners sought improved transportation to expand the sharecropping system.C) Difficult working conditions prompted transportation workers to call for the creation of labor unions.D) Government subsidies facilitated the construction of transportation and communication networks.


22) The historical situation of the court ruling described in the excerpt could best be used to support which of the following claims about African Americans during the late 1800s?Answer: B) They organized reform movements in order to fight for political equality.


A) They began to shift away from using the sharecropping system.B) They organized reform movements in order to fight for political equality.C) They moved westward in large numbers to escape segregationist laws.D) They became the largest segment of the industrial workforce.


23) Which of the following pieces of evidence would refute Postel's claim in the first paragraph of the excerpt about the "ethos of modernity and progress" and the Populists?Answer: B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies.


A) Populists living in rural areas learned about urban and international life through the telegraph and newspapers.B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies.C) Populists sought to develop commercial farming through the expansion of transportation networks.D) Populists formed a national political organization out of numerous local farmer and labor groups.


24) Which of the following best explains a similarity between the characteristics of immigration described in the poem and earlier immigration to the United States?Answer: D)


A) Immigrants were often enslaved as laborers in northern factories and mills.B) Immigrants typically acquired their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers.C) Immigrants frequently relied on settlement houses to help them adjust to their new surroundings.D) Immigrants compromised between the cultures they brought and the cultures they found in the United States.


25) Which of the following pieces of evidence would refute Postel's claim in the last paragraph of the excerpt that the "corporate vision clashed with the Populist vision" for the United States economy in the late 1800s?Answer: C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas.


A) Populists supported limitations on the railroad rates charged to farmers.B) Corporations recruited government support to oppose the formation of labor unions.C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas.D) Corporations advocated that the federal government avoid regulation of the economy.


26) Which of the following can be concluded about the status of middle-class people during the late 1800s when the excerpt was produced?Answer: B)


A) They grew to be more financially stable than elites.B) They experienced a growth of access to leisure time.C) They faced declining working conditions.D) They sought to minimize the influence of consumerism.


27) Which of the following best describes a similarity between the arguments made by Chief Joseph and Commissioner Parker in the excerpts?Answer: C) Both argued against the signing of treaties to take American Indian lands.


A) Both argued that the spread of Christianity was a positive influence on American Indians.B) Both asserted that the federal government had legal authority over American Indians.C) Both argued against the signing of treaties to take American Indian lands.D) Both believed that American Indians required moral training.


28) Which of the following contexts best explains the increase in violent conflicts in the western United States in the late 1800s?Answer: A) The increase in migration by White settlers.


A) The increase in migration by White settlers.B) The regulation of industrial production by the federal government.C) The recognition by federal courts of labor union bargaining rights.D) The ban on immigration from eastern Asia.


29) Which of the following describes a difference between Bodnar's and Ewen's arguments in the excerpts about immigrants in the late 1800s?Answer: C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism.


A) Bodnar argues that some immigrants embraced modern social values, whereas Ewen argues that most immigrants preserved traditional practices.B) Bodnar claims that immigrants were supported by family networks, whereas Ewen claims that immigrants depended mostly on their own initiative.C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism.D) Ewen holds that some Americans opposed immigrant cultural cohesion, whereas Bodnar holds that most Americans embraced new immigrant cultures.


30) The role of new technology in economic change in the late 1800s was most similar to the role of technology in which of the following earlier situations?Answer: C) Manufacturing spread in the early 1800s, allowing more efficient production.


A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples.B) Trans-Atlantic commerce grew in the colonial era, taking advantage of navigational innovations.C) Manufacturing spread in the early 1800s, allowing more efficient production.D) Sharecropping emerged in the Reconstruction era, channeling farmers into new labor systems.


31) Which of the following contexts contributed most directly to the interest in trade with China as described in the excerpt?Answer: B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods


A) Increased need for laborers on railroad-building projectsB) Increased demand for resources and markets for goodsC) Decreased economic competition from European empiresD) Decreased activity in commercial trade across the Atlantic


32) Which of the following describes a difference between the arguments made by Chief Joseph and Commissioner Parker in the excerpts?Answer: B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations.


A) Chief Joseph supported the reservation system for Native Americans, while Commissioner Parker condemned reservations.B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations.C) Chief Joseph sought additional support for agriculture on reservations, while Commissioner Parker called for industrialization on reservations.D) Chief Joseph asserted that Native Americans should never interact with government officials, while Commissioner Parker argued that they should be represented in Washington.


33) The development of the railroads as described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on westward expansion in the late 1800s?Answer: B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines.


A) Merchants mobilized politically to resist transportation expansion.B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines.C) Governments exerted increased control over transportation industries.D) New immigrants mostly settled on western farms along rail lines.


34) The historical situation of the excerpt supports which of the following arguments about reform in the Gilded Age?Answer: B) The position of women as prominent leaders in reform movements increased their public role in society.


A) The idea of the Social Gospel inspired the development of many new reform movements.B) The position of women as prominent leaders in reform movements increased their public role in society.C) Reformers encouraged city residents to fight corruption by joining utopian communities.D) Reformers advocated expanded college access for immigrants in order to facilitate social integration.


35) Which of the following explains a continuity in the effect of technological innovation on the production of goods in the late 1800s?Answer: D) New industrial machines increased the number of goods that factories could make.


A) Improved manufacturing practices gradually reduced reliance on immigrant workers.B) Improved quality of manufacturing steadily decreased demand for consumer goods.C) New types of transportation increasingly shifted industrial centers from the North to the South.D) New industrial machines increased the number of goods that factories could make.


36) Which of the following best explains a key reason for rapid economic development during the Gilded Age?Answer: C)


A) The adoption of beliefs of Social Darwinism helped justify inequalities of wealth.B) The creation of the sharecropping system improved agricultural production.C) The consolidation of large industries facilitated mass production.D) The growth of Populist political platforms encouraged economic reform.

APUSH College Board Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ - Quizzes Studymoose (2024)
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