ww.fix - Runs fixup functions for mod features to resolve potential issues.
ww.fix_sim_nude_outfit - Fixes Sim native nude (bathing) outfit.
ww.fix_all_sims_nude_outfit - Fixes all Sims native nude (bathing) outfit.
ww.fix_sim_outfits - Fixes Sim outfits identifiers to avoid conflicts.
ww.fix_all_sims_outfits - Fixes all Sims outfits identifiers to avoid conflicts.
ww.clear_animation_clips_cache - Clears all animation clips cache data.
ww.set_animation_sorting_types <live/playlist/disabler> <type1, [type2, ...]> - Sets animations sorting types for provided menu type.
ww.set_penis_size <length> <girth> <testicl*s> [<sim_first_name> <sim_last_name>] - Sets Sim penis size length, girth and testicl*s size.
ww.get_hard <seconds_duration> [<first_name> <last_name>] [condom] - Makes Sim penis get hard for X number of seconds.
ww.get_soft - Makes Sim penis get soft.
ww.force_stop_all_sims_pregnancy - Stop all Sims pregnancy.
ww.remove_condom - Remove stuck condom from active Sim.
ww.stop_sex_effects - Stops all running/stuck visual effects from sex.
ww.clear_sex_props - Stops all spawned/stuck props from sex.
ww.reenable_sims_pubic_hair - Attempts to Re-enable all Sims dynamic pubic hair.
ww.reset_premade_peeping_sims - Resets existing premade peeping Sims.
ww.stop_all_sex - Stops all running sex.
ww.disable_ambiguous_animations - Disables all potentially gender ambiguous animations.
ww.dump_installed_animations - Dumps a list of all installed sex animations into an external file.
ww.commands - Lists all WickedWhims user commands.
ww.add_peripheral_traits - Displays Peripheral Traits addition dialog.
ww.remove_peripheral_traits - Displays Peripheral Traits removal dialog.
ww.cheat_stripclub_points <amount> - Cheats Strip Club points.
ww.stripclub_disable_dancing_tiredness_cheat - Irreversible cheat to disable Strip Club dancers tiredness from dancing.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_markup <value> - Sets Strip Club bar drinks price markup.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_supply <amount> - Sets Strip Club bar supplies amount.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_supply_capacity <amount> - Sets Strip Club bar supplies capacity.
ww.set_stripclub_dancers_employee_limit <amount> - Sets Strip Club dancers employee limit.
ww.set_stripclub_janitors_employee_limit <amount> - Sets Strip Club janitors employee limit.
ww.stripclub_hire_dancer_sim <first_name> <last_name> - Hires Sim as a Strip Club dancer.
ww.stripclub_hire_janitor_sim <first_name> <last_name> - Hires Sim as a Strip Club janitor.
ww.set_stripclub_employee_pool_size <amount> - Sets Strip Club available number of Sims to hire (default: 51).
ww.set_sim_statistic <statistic_name> <value> - Sets Sim mod statistic.
ww.reset_sim_statistics - Resets all Sim mod statistics.
ww.give_birth_pill - Gives active Sim a birth control pill.
ww.give_birth_pills_box - Gives active Sim a box of birth control pills.
ww.set_nudity_skill <level> - Sets Sim Naturism/Exhibitionism skill level.
ww.set_global_nudity_skill <level> - Sets all Sims Naturism/Exhibitionism skill level.
ww.remove_global_nudity_trait - Removes all Sims Nudity Enthusiast trait.
ww.convert_to_exhibitionism - Converts Sim Naturism skill to Exhibitionism skill.
ww.global_convert_to_exhibitionism - Converts all Sims Naturism skill to Exhibitionism skill.
ww.remove_exhibitionist_trait - Removes Sim Exhibitionism trait.
ww.remove_global_exhibitionist_trait - Removes all Sims Exhibitionism trait.
ww.set_desire_level <value> - Sets active Sim desire level.
ww.give_condom - Gives active Sim a condom.
ww.give_condoms_box - Gives active Sim a box of condoms.
ww.clear_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears sweat from Sim.
ww.clear_all_sweat - Clears sweat from all Sims.
ww.apply_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>] - Applies full sweat to Sim.
ww.force_miscarriage - Force active Sim miscarriage.
ww.unlock_custom_spells - Unlocks all custom spells.
ww.set_base_body_hair - Set Sim natural hair color.
ww.turn_into_doll - Turns active Sim into porcelain doll.
ww.undo_from_doll - Turns active Sim back from porcelain doll to human.
ww.give_sim_peeping_npc_trait [<first_name> <last_name>] - Gives Sim the NPC Peeping trait.
ww.spawn_peeping_sim - Spawns a Peeping NPC Sim.
ww.spawn_creep_sim - Spawns a Creep NPC Sim.
ww.gender_preference <hetero/hom*o/bi/none> [<sim_first_name> <sim_last_name>] - Changes Sim gender preference.
ww.preference_hetero <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be heterosexual.
ww.preference_hom*o <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be hom*osexual.
ww.preference_bi <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be bisexual.
ww.preference_random <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be a random sexuality.
ww.preference_neutral <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims have no specific sexuality.
ww.reset_sim_persistent_boredom - Reset active Sim persistent boredom.
ww.set_major_personality_archetype <archetype> - Set active Sim major personality archetype.
ww.set_minor_personality_archetype <archetype> - Set active Sim minor personality archetype.
ww.reset_personality_archetype_lock - Reset Sim overridden personality archetypes.
ww.restart_sex - Restarts all running sex.
ww.clear_lube [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears lube from Sim.
ww.get_sex_autonomy_location_styles_chances - Display sex autonomy location styles chance values.
ww.test_computer_solo_sex_autonomy - Run computer solo sex autonomy.
ww.test_tv_solo_sex_autonomy - Run computer solo sex autonomy.
ww.force_sex_autonomy - Run basic sex autonomy.
ww.force_solo_sex_autonomy - Run basic solo sex autonomy.
ww.test_sex_autonomy - Diagnose basic sex autonomy.
ww.test_sex_autonomy_sims - Diagnose basic sex autonomy Sims.
ww.test_sex_autonomy_locations - Diagnose basic sex autonomy locations.
ww.evaluate_sex_autonomy_style_locations <location_style> - Evaluate and display sex autonomy location style locations.
ww.sim_sex_room - Diagnose room the active Sim is in for basic sex autonomy.
ww.force_cuck_sex_autonomy - Run cuck sex autonomy.
ww.dump_log - Dumps all remaining logs to the file.
ww.test_protocols - Displays which Sims Protocols are currently active.
ww.set_cas_part <body_type> <cas_part> [color_shift] - Sets CAS part of Sim outfit.
ww.set_outfit <outfit_category>:<outfit_index> - Changes Sim outfit.
ww.display_outfit - Displays Sim outfit information.
ww.display_outfit_tags - Displays Sim outfit tags.
ww.display_body_data - Displays Sim body information.
ww.random_sims_underwear [force] - Randomizes all without underwear Sims underwear. Include the 'force' argument to randomize all Sims underwear.
ww.display_sim_attractiveness_view - Display played Sim attractiveness view of all other Sims.
ww.display_all_sims_attractiveness_view - Display attractiveness view of all Sims towards played Sim.
ww.apply_cum <face/chest/belly/back/lower_back/vagin*/butt/feet> [<first_name> <last_name>] - Applies cum layers to Sim.
ww.clear_cum [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears cum layers from Sim.
ww.clear_all_cum - Clears cum layers from all Sims.
ww.global_revert_outfits - Dresses up all Sims that are naked.
ww.test - Hello World!
ww.time - Displays current in-game time.
ww.enable_interactions_run_listener - Enables run interactions listener.
ww.enable_interactions_queue_listener - Enables queue interactions listener.
ww.enable_interactions_outcome_listener - Enables outcome interactions listener.
ww.push_interaction <id> <target> - Pushes an interaction to active Sim.
ww.play_effect <effect_name> [joint_name] - Plays a visual effect.
ww.play_sound <sound_name> - Plays a sound effect.
ww.create_object <guid> [inventory] - Spawns an object.
ww.regenerate_attractiveness_rarity - Regenerates rarity values of attractiveness traits.
ww.display_attractive_traits_rarity - Displays rarity value of attractiveness traits.
ww.set_user_var <variable_name> <variable_value> - Set User Config variable.
ww.reset_user_var <variable_name> - Reset User Config variable.
ww.reset_all_user_vars - Reset All User Config variables.