Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (2025)

This page of the guide to Horizon Forbidden West contains the walkthrough of the side mission The Bristlebacks - mine, rebel camp.

Last update: 24 February 2022

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The following page of the Horizon Forbidden West guide provides a walkthrough for The Bristlebacks side quest. We explain how to search the mine and unlock the next part of the quest as well as how to quickly kill all the rebels in the camp.

  • Quest rewards
  • Starting a mission
  • Talk to the Carja Magistrate
  • Search West of the Quarry for Bristlebacks
  • Follow the Trail to the Back of the Valley
  • Enter the Mine
  • Investigate the Mine
  • Kill the Machines
  • Investigate the Smoking Tunnel
  • Examine the Note
  • Return to Javad the Willing
  • Search North of Barren Light for the Rebel Camp
  • Find the Entrance to the Rebel Machine Pens
  • Kill the Rebels and Their Machines
  • Investigate the Cave
  • Return to Javad the Willing

Quest rewards

  1. XP: 2330
  2. Skill Points: 2

Starting a mission

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (1)

  1. Area: The Daunt
  2. Level: 7

Talk to Ulvund in Chainscrape and ask about the problems with Bristlebacks. You will find him by the tent, near the campfire.

Talk to the Carja Magistrate

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (2)

Go to the inn in Chainscrape and talk to the Carja Magistrate. You will find him sitting at a table near the cook.

Search West of the Quarry for Bristlebacks

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (3)

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (4)

Go to the quarry southwest of the settlement and examine a destroyed machine lying by the river.

Follow the Trail to the Back of the Valley

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (5)

Walk under the waterfall and go to the next location marked on the map. Along the way, you will find another destroyed machine. Follow the path until you reach another waterfall.

Enter the Mine

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (6)

At the end of the road, by the waterfall, you will find the entrance to the mine.

Investigate the Mine

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (7)

Follow the tracks. Once you find a blocked passage, turn right and go further through a narrow tunnel. Jump onto the rock at the end of the tunnel and climb up to get to the next part of the mine.

Kill the Machines

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (8)

Eliminate the 3 machines in the mine. Bristlebacks are prone to Shock, so use the Tripcaster to get rid of them quickly.

Investigate the Smoking Tunnel

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (9)

After eliminating the machines, go to the next part of the room. You will a tunnel with some smoke coming out of it; next to it, you will find some barrels in a storage area below.

Examine the Note

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (10)

Examine the note lying on one of the barrels and leave the mine.

Return to Javad the Willing

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (11)

Go back to Chainscrape and talk to Javad.

The rest of the side quest will remain blocked until you complete The Embassy, the 4th main quest.

Search North of Barren Light for the Rebel Camp

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (12)

After completing the 4th main quest, The Embassy, Aloy will receive information about a rebel camp. Head to the designated area west of Barren Light.

Find the Entrance to the Rebel Machine Pens

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (13)

Knock down a tree to get to the camp. Watch out for a rebel mounting a machine. Wait for him to go away and knock over a tree, then quickly hide in the tall grass. Once the rebel is gone, use the tree to get inside the camp.

Kill the Rebels and Their Machines

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (14)

Scan the entire area thoroughly and first eliminate the machine-riding rebel, who patrols the entrance to the camp. Use long-range weapons so as not to alarm the rest of the camp. After that, quickly deal with the Charger he was mounting. If you are still hidden in the grass, you will be able to perform a stealth kill on the machine.

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (15)

After getting rid of the patrol, you can deal with the rebels standing by the machine pens. Throw a rock towards the campfire to lure the woman there and perform a stealth kill on her. Then approach the man slowly and kill him.

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (16)

Jump up to the handhold and stand on the column. From here, you can easily shoot down all the machines in the pens. Using the Sharphot Bow, you will kill the Charger with 2 shots. Aim for its horns and the container on its back.

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (17)

The last rebel is located at the east end of the camp. Climb the ladder, wait for the woman to stand by the railing and perform a stealth kill.

Investigate the Cave

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (18)

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (19)

Lower the bridge using the wheel. After that, use your bow to shoot down the 2 ropes wrapped around the other part of the bridge. Finally, explore the cave.

Return to Javad the Willing

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (20)

Return to the Chainscrape and inform Javad about what you discovered.

Horizon Forbidden West: The Bristlebacks - walkthrough (2025)


How to finish the Bristlebacks quest? ›

  1. Talk to the Carja Magistrate.
  2. Search West of the Quarry for the Bristlebacks.
  3. Follow the Trail to the Back of the Valley.
  4. Enter the Mine.
  5. Investigate the Mine.
  6. Kill the Machines.
  7. Investigate the Smoking Tunnel.
  8. Examine the Note.

What is the hardest Horizon Forbidden West quest? ›

The Sea Of Sands. With 20 odd objectives to complete, The Sea of Sands is one of the longest and most arduous main quests in Forbidden West. The quest includes finding POSEIDON in the underwater ruins below Las Vegas, draining the city, killing the deadly Tideripper boss, and ultimately delivering POSEIDON to GAIA.

What are acid Bristlebacks weak to? ›

They are weak against Shock but they have acid canisters on them that can do a good amount of damage if you hit them with acid arrows.

Can you do Varre's quest if you killed him? ›

If you killed Varre for his shameless insults about your lack of maidens or just don't feel like doing his quest, you can still reach Mohgwyn Palace and defeat Mohg, it just takes much longer. To do so, you must: Gather both Haligtree Medallion halves and use the Grand Lift of Rold.

How to get bristleback override? ›

You'll hit the Repair Bay Cauldron as part of the stories you complete around Plainsong. Find the override for Bristlebacks in the TAU Cauldron (also called the Repair Bay) just west of Plainsong.

What is the rarest thing in Horizon Forbidden West? ›

Of all the aerial machines introduced in Horizon Forbidden West, the Dreadwing is the rarest and most challenging of the bunch. It makes an appearance as a boss during one of the game's story missions, and can be found at a single machine site just south of Shadow's Reach.

What is the most powerful Armour in Horizon Forbidden West? ›

Known as the Oseram Artificer it serves as the best armor in Horizon Forbidden West.

Can you fly a dreadwing in Horizon Forbidden West? ›

The Dreadwing is a machine in Horizon Forbidden West seemingly based on a vampire bat. It is a heavyweight combat machine that is capable of flight.

How many endings does Forbidden West have? ›

While players can still affect outcomes through the choices they make for protagonist Aloy throughout the game, Horizon Forbidden West will only have one possible ending. This is consistent with 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn which also had a single ending.

What is the best weapon in Forbidden West? ›

Those simply interested in the single best weapon in Horizon Forbidden West need look no further than the legendary Boltblaster, The Blast Forge. Like other of the best weapons in Horizon Forbidden West, players will need to trade in 80 hard-earned arena medals to get their hands on it.

What is the highest tear weapon in Forbidden West? ›

Horizon Forbidden West's Best Legendary Weapon Is Tears Of The Land-God. If any Hunter bow could outdo Death-Seeker's Shadow, it's Tears of the Land-God.

Who is weakest acid? ›

Hydrocyanic acid is the weakest acid with the $p{{K}_{a}}$ value of $9.2$ . It partially ionises in water to give hydrogen ion and cyanide ions. The cyanide ion is the strongest conjugate base.

What are the 4 weak acids? ›

Examples of Weak Acids
  • Formic acid (chemical formula: HCOOH)
  • Acetic acid (chemical formula: CH3COOH)
  • Benzoic acid (chemical formula: C6H5COOH)
  • Oxalic acid (chemical formula: C2H2O4)
  • Hydrofluoric acid (chemical formula: HF)
  • Nitrous acid (chemical formula: HNO2)
  • Sulfurous acid (chemical formula: H2SO3)

What is the deadliest acid? ›

Fluoroantimonic acid is the strongest superacid based on the measured value of its Hammett acidity function (H0), which has been determined for various ratios of HF:SbF5.

How do I end RYA's quest? ›

There are now three ways in which the quest can continue and reach its conclusion:
  1. You can kill Rya as she asks. ...
  2. You can simply ignore her and kill Rykard, the final boss in Volcano Manor. ...
  3. You can give Rya the Tonic of Forgetfulness from Tanith, which will put her to sleep.
Apr 17, 2024

How do you finish Ranni's questline? ›

Elden Ring Ranni quest walkthrough
  1. Talk to "Renna" (Ranni) at the Church of Elleh.
  2. Progress Sorcerer Rogier's quest until he mentions Ranni.
  3. Conquer Caria Manor in north Liurnia.
  4. Meet with Ranni in her tower behind Caria Manor.
  5. Speak to Rogier again about Ranni.
  6. Return to Ranni and agree to serve her.
Feb 27, 2024

Does completing Ranni's questline end the game? ›

Once you've done Ranni's questline, this gives you the choice to trigger the secret ending, but won't trigger it automatically. After defeating the final boss of Elden Ring outlined in our Elden Ring main bosses guide, you'll see a blue summoning sign on the ground that'll allow you to bring in Ranni.

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